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b_b  ·  3708 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A Random Thought

    The conclusion that we exist in a connected and interdependent Universe is something I know subjectively, experientialy. I believe that as we move forward in our evolution, we'll realize the value of subjective experience as much as objective.

I think that you're letting your frustration with modernity color your logic. There's no reason to think that the world can only be understood as connected and interdependent as a subjective notion. The atoms I exhale today will become part of the plant that you consume tomorrow, and so on. This is as sound a fact as we can possibly know, and it also shows that all are one. It may not sound spiritual to some people, but I suppose that's where science ends and philosophy begins. The two, science and philosophy that is, should be informed by one another, but they aren't the same thing, as some naive science types would have you believe (science as religion, as befalls some people). There is plenty of room for beliefs even in a world that is driven by fact.