Like most I'm sure, I have heard of someone who "knows how to work the system" and isn't a damn shame and what-not. I don't have relationships with or associate myself with people that have a different moral compass than my own, so I do not know anyone directly who has committed this type of fraud. That said, I am certain that welfare fraud happens...but so does tax fraud, white collar crimes, insider trading, dine & dash, and whatever the fuck else you can think of that will make debating whether or not the acts of isolated individuals should condemn the under-privileged to a life spent digging themselves out of a hole that they were born in because of a shitty roll of the genetic dice a futile endeavor.What do you think of the Welfare system in the US?
It is as necessary a publicly funded program as Healthcare and Education.Does it work?
Not sure there. Has it worked? Can it work? Does it work categorically? The answer to the latter is complex. but I would respond in the negative. Have you been a recipient of it? If so, did it work for you?
My mother was a single mom raising two kids in a studio apartment in Garbage Grove, working two jobs, and getting fuck all from my father. She stood in line to get canned meat, powdered milk, dried beans, and whatever shitty leftovers government subsidies paid Big Farm to produce for its "down-trodden". To escape the shame associated from taking a "handout", my mother married the first thing with a paycheck that came knocking. Unfortunately for us kids, his paycheck came with regular physical and mental abuse. Do you know examples of fraud? Do you know examples of it not working?
I know several people who were on some form of welfare during their childhood but none of them are still on it. In fact, most of them are quite successful now as adults. Fear and shame are some strong motivators...