This is wrong-minded, and buys into a patriarchal role of government that runs counter to democratic governance. Politicians are there because people vote for them. They are public servants. Any and every one of them can be replaced in their next election. The powers that be depend upon the belief that they have the power and that we are to ask of them. They must ask us for the privileged to govern on our behalf. I am dispirited by the way that I hear many millenials talk about government. I hear that voting power is an illusion, and that current power structures cannot be undone. That is a reality that requires a belief. Millenials should be angry, and they should not pretend that politicians will or will not make things right. If they vote en mass, even if they vote for a protest candidate, they will change the political landscape of this country. We do not ask politicians to do things for us. We tell politicians to do things for us. The baby boomers largely understand that.