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Complexity · 3731 days ago · link · · parent · post: The Dangers of Attachment - Putting Oneself Out There, and Rejections - Kenning Blog
Crazy busy but I found time to read this blog. Excellent. I like to think rejection indicates either than one has yet to catch up with the world, or the world has yet to catch up with oneself, and it's a fearsome wine dark lake one sails whilst trying to work out which it is. One thing I've found as I work with creative people is that the more they learn their craft, the more they shed their pretensions; they drop their youthful flourishes with which they distract from the simple, unadorned clarity of authentic expression and, it seems, that is when their work resonates most with others. Then it's just a matter of opening a vein repeatedly until someone respects the colour of the blood on the page.