Read a little deeper on that: it appears that you get to choose whether you do it by weight or by volume. Now ask yourself: "Self, if they're listing dried peppers ahead of vinegar and they're listing by weight or volume, that's kind of a fuckload of peppers, eh what?" Not to mention the fact that if you're using less than 2% you get to say "less than 2% of a bunch of shit" and they've not only got "spices" listed ahead of the thickener, they've got "salt" listed ahead of the vinegar. Put another way: there's more water than peppers, more peppers than salt and more salt than vinegar in Cholula. Tabasco? (I just can't allow you to malign Cholula in this way; I buy it over Tapatio for precisely the reason that it doesn't taste like vinegar)Ingredients must be listed by their common name in
descending order by predominance of weight or volume. This
includes items such as preservatives, colors and flavors.