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user-inactivated  ·  3589 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: When is an individual not responsible? What does 'responsible' mean?

ok...so i think i know what you are saying. for me, i side with richard dawkins on this and say that we dont do this because of our genetics. its a survival issue. so self preservation is our number one goal, we however know that we are going to die, so we have kids, and kids will be the vehicle for our genes to survive, so we take care of them. he made the argument, if you are 1, as a genetic importance, then your siblings or kids would be 1/2, because they carry 1/2 of your genes. and your cousins 1/4 and so on...when you get to 1/8, its just not worth caring because the gene pool is so different. so we are responsible to ourselves and our genes in a sense to not let them die, adn one way of doing that is to have others carry them......does that make sense?