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OftenBen  ·  3589 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: When is an individual not responsible? What does 'responsible' mean?

    can i ask you why you never plan on having biological children?

I have a chronic heart condition. It's required me to have one major surgery, and 2 pacemakers in my first 22 years of life, not including other complications. While the experiences that it has given me are valuable, and instructional, I would not wish them up on anyone. It has a greater than 50% chance of passing on to my children. This, in combination with several other factors about my genetics incline me to not want to pass them on. My interest is in the longevity of the species, and the species will do just fine without my particular genetics. It is benefited more by my intellectual/professional/social/artistic legacy.

Can I ask what

    there is a reason for that, and that reason is still carried by us. we haven't diluted those instincts
this 'reason' is? If you could state it in the most simple and direct terms, it would be greatly appreciated.

    is the only reason dawkins not appeal to you is because he seems too sure of himself?

No, he's become something grotesque in his old age. I read The Selfish Gene, and appreciated it for the necessary piece of thought that it represents.