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OftenBen  ·  3589 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: When is an individual not responsible? What does 'responsible' mean?

    i don think you are the one who gets to decide which genes are important enough to pass on.

But I do, I'm afraid.

    the issue and the confusion comes, in my opinion, when these genetic dominant traits dont line up with todays culture.

This is a bold statement, and actually meshes well with a modern genetic study that identifies a set of 'warrior' genes, whose presence or absence up- or down-regulates biochemical aggression in the body. If you have the gene, you are more prone to take large risks, be more aggressive in all walks of life really, which, over millenia, leads to aggression being a highly selected for trait.

I find it interesting you mention sin as a motivating force.