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organicAnt  ·  3662 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Becoming a vegan. Where to start?

I apologise if you feel offended. My last intention is to insult anyone.

As I said I was vegetarian for 6 years. I was happy with the compromise of not killing animals and I thought I would be vegetarian for life. Until I understood the animal suffering that still exists in the production of dairy and egg products. The word production itself when associated with sentient beings should already ring alarm bells but I'll explain.

Just to give you a couple of examples. Egg laying chicks, when they are born, if male they are ground into dog food straight away. If female, they have their beaks cut so they won't peck each other. They are placed in tiny cages about the size of their bodies to lay eggs until they stop "producing". At which point they become worthless from a financial point of view and are killed for meat.

Milk cows are forcibly impregnated so they will have a calf. If the calf is male, it gets sold for veal meat. If female it gets placed in a cubicle where she gets fed grains and pumped with milk producing hormones. The process repeats while the cow is able to "produce" milk. At which point it has the same end of life faith as the egg layer.

Sure if you're wealthy enough you can opt for the organic cheese and milk, which is slightly better from an animal welfare point of view. Although, many farmers do their organic bit because of the extra premium of organic products and not necessarily because they care any more for their animals than their non-organic counterparts.

I'm not putting an obligation on anyone. If you are you ok with the subjugation and premature killing of another sentient being for the pleasure of your taste buds, that's your choice. I chose not to do it since I can.

I have had several discussions here, some with other vegetarians, trying to explain the difference between animal welfare and an animal's right to a free life. They are very distinct values. Once people were ok with slavery and those who pointed out the madness were not welcome for a long time. Animal rights is an extension of human rights and the social movement of our times.