To be honest this was pointed more at alcohol than drug use. I can't say I know much about the latter, since I've never done it myself and don't regularly see people that do. It's appealing to me for a few reasons. I've always taken pride in my ability to be self-sufficient in a way. I feel disciplined and principled. I know people who don't have that control and their lack of it causes them to lash out and hurt other people. I don't want to be like that. Having these principles has gotten other students to try to get me to succumb to the peer pressure because it's a joke to them. That's a challenge that I intend to win. It can be frustrating though, because people take those principles as me not taking them seriously or judging them for drinking. I don't give no shiiiits, it's just not my thing. If you're that upset about it there's probably a deeper problem at hand.What about being in control all the time is appealing to you?