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ghostoffuffle  ·  3705 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Thenewgreen rounds up his friends in one big circle and says,

Anecdote that illustrates my life in general:

Last week, August (our son for those who care and I don't talk to on a regular basis) came down with his umpteenth lung-fuckage and had to be taken wheezing at seventy respirations per minute to the doctor. Turns out he has asthma and needs steroids whenever he gets a cold. Until he's like five.

But it wasn't too tough to take him, since we'd already scheduled a dr. visit for our oldest daughter, who felt like she had to pee every ten minutes... for the last ten days. Don't judge, time is scarce and we got to it as quickly as we could.

Our dog picked that exact day to shake his head so hard he broke a vessel in his ear, filling it with blood and swelling it up to the size and approx shape of a beautifully stuffed empanada, requiring a trip to the vet for a very involved and very expensive surgery, and leaving him with a shunt dripping all sorts of juices into his e-collar. For five days. Leaving our home smelling like a slaughterhouse.

Our youngest daughter escaped all of it free of any health issues, but it turns out she's fucking terrified of our dog when he's wearing the e-collar, and she's spent the past five days screaming in horror every time our poor beleaguered Banjo gets too close, which is like always since our house is "cozy" and our dog is "a horse."

That's how my week was, Steve, and that's how my life has been, and that, coincidentally, is why you haven't seen much of me 'round these parts.

But I'm having a damn good time working on some music that's been kicked my way, so there's always something to look forward to.

And while I'm updating, rezzeJ, re. New Years resolutions: I've been talking less (for proof, check comment history), listening more, and I've cut my drinking down to maybe one beer a night, with a two-drink night once a week if I'm feeling cray.