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user-inactivated  ·  3498 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The new Gamergate: Angry white men are trying to shut down diverse comics

But... both gender-swapped characters and legacy characters' roles being filled by someone of a different race have been happening in comics for years. There was a black Green Lantern in 1971, a black Iron Man in 1983, the original Ms. Marvel debuted in 1977 and is more well known than Capitan Marvel, both the Question and Batman were replaced by lesbians for a while. Chris Claremont was getting out his thesaurus to make Mystique bi without his editors noticing in the early 80s. Those are just the things that immediately come to mind because they lasted. There are so many -girl, -woman and lady whatever versions of male characters it's a joke now. There isn't a new wave of diversity, there's just Marvel's marketing making it sound like there is. I don't pay attention to comic book drama, and I'm not about to start, but I have to question whether whether anyone up in arms about this actually reads them.

This might be the nerdiest Hubski comment I've ever made.