I was intrigued by the premise of this article, but unfortunately, I do not think the narrative had much direction (I will not comment on the multiple spelling/grammatical errors beyond this parenthetical). I do not find the narrator sympathetic. As a result, it's difficult for me to care much about his experience in cheap rehab other than just to learn more about what really cut-rate rehab is like, and after about a page or two of the shittiness laid out in prose that, while readable, isn't much more than that, I keep finding my eyes glazing over. I want to read this article, find it interesting, find it elucidating. Unfortunately, I don't. I think part of the problem is that while the narrator is certainly great at recounting events, people, etc, there's absolutely no insight or reflection on his issues, why he landed in this rehab, or even less-personal-but-still-requiring-some-kind-of-consideration-and-thought topics such as how rehabs like this could be improved, why rehabs like this are the way they are, why the author found himself wanting the elements of his other hospital stays when deprived of them (other than because those routines were at least familiar and reassuring; did they add value or was he just moorless and therefore grasping at anything? - OR is the narrator just not a person whose standards are going to be satisfied no matter what rehab he's in, and frankly, why should your personal standards for comfort and care be met in such a facility? I'm not saying rehab should be hell, but mostly it is, and I think it's both kind of silly to expect it to be any better and also kind of silly to expect it to be a comforting experience on a lot of levels; sobriety is not comfortable for addicts), whether private healthcare is really better than a publicized system (which seems to be the ultimate crux of this?), anything. I'm looking for any sort of insightful analysis or consideration of this experience. Instead this article is just "Wham, bam, I'm going to throw specific, extraordinary short not-even-stories (descriptions, maybe) at you until they overwhelm you and that is supposed to just make you get it. That is the point of this article." To me, the narrator seems mostly hugely apathetic, concluding with a big side of no-suggestions-to-offer. I wish there was more for me to sink my teeth into here.