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ButterflyEffect  ·  3444 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The social aggregator is a terrible business model.

1. I would put it somewhere on the bottom of the page along with all the other parts of the site, as BrainBurner has already suggested. That's not very invasive, without hiding it entirely.

2. If it was done where there's an option to a lump sum and/or a monthly donation then that would be great, I don't know exactly how that works though. Basing it off of NPRs donation system would be good, as steve already said. My thoughts are very similar to BB's and steve's thoughts on this whole donation thing.

3. I think the only recognition somebody should get should be a thank you email to whatever email is connected to their account. I don't like the idea of donating money to be associated with getting "extras" or anything like that.

4. I'm fine with most things that aren't additional site functions. If somebody donates enough that a t-shirt or other item is warranted then good for them, but I'm really not a fan of having site features that aren't available to everybody.