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To be honest, even though I don't like her, and I won't vote for her (nor anybody running under the two main parties), she likely has the most political pull to get things like this done. While it would be nicer if she could give specifics, and say what kind of legislation she would push, I do think she'd actually be willing to do a lot of these things, especially given her age would probably make her feel less inclined to bend towards all her financiers.

Bernie Sanders, on the other hand, while he quite clearly will act towards all these goals, doesn't quite have the same political clout, and I imagine under his administration there'd be a lot more resistance to any legislation he pushes. So while you'd have an idealist (although I still have my issues with some of his ideals) you'd also have someone who's likely not well liked by the Democratic loyalists, and certainly isn't liked by Republicans. I can't see his administration actually being effective in much, except for things that are under direct control of the President like foreign policy, of which he's a bit less outspoken, and what he is outspoken about in that regard isn't always that great.