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user-inactivated  ·  3413 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Is the Internet a failed utopia?

I think intellectual property is much more a hindrance than an aid, and while Lenin did misread Marx his misreadings had less to do with the way the USSR ended up than the problem vanguards have had ever since; they run their government the way they did their revolution. That's all a tangent thought. If you work in film and television, you think IP is just fine because it gets you your royalties, and if you work in software you think it's ridiculous because bits don't have colors and if the law would stop insisting you pretend otherwise you could fix that damned nVidia driver bug that has been driving you nuts for years. We compromise, which means that everything sucks for everyone but hopefully the suckage is evenly distributed. Compromise isn't what you aspire to though; otherwise you wouldn't have anything to compromise.