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A postcard from ButterflyEffect was waiting here for me. He responded to my challenge and sent me one: "Think about what makes something "timeless" and how to define that within your own life." The rule of postcard challenge is to try and respond to the challenge with an image (or a hubski sticker) or something. bfx has posed a thoughtful, wonderful question. BLOB_CASTLE owes me a postcard I think -- although word has it that two postcards arrived for me in the north, so that's probably blob.

_refugee_'s book is on its way to me and I sent a postcard to wasoxygen today. I'll put you on the list.

Silly, eh? But KW is fantastic -- it's warm, but there's a pool so I can jump in when it gets too warm. I'm working on some projects. Quite wonderful.

Here's something that has me wondering. The best radio reception here is from a local oldies station -- 60's, 70s, and 80s -- with a focus on the 60s. So I'm thrown back into the music I listened to in elementary school and the first concerts I went to as a teenybopper.

It's great music, but I think I'm regressing.