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crafty  ·  3409 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: IMAX’s absurd attempt to censor Ars

    The standard in trademark law is to determine whether there's infringement by detecting whether there would be a "likelihood of confusion" between two products. But again, we're very far away from that test here. That standard would only apply if we were selling movie tickets; there are no consumers who confuse reading an article about virtual reality with going to the movies.

While I agree that IMAX getting their panties in a twist over being referenced is silly, it's easy for me to see why they feel threatened. Cheap big screen TVs have gone a long ways to undermine traditional theaters, and now, cheap VR technology could potentially undermine IMAX theaters. I think movie theaters in general are a fairly passé technology and if/when they loose their privileged place to show new movies first, they will quickly fade away.