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paxprose  ·  3400 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Riots in Paris as Uber Undercuts Taxis

Its a weird thing when a vehicle appears that completely bypasses a large majority of existing bureaucracy. Suddenly, all the made up middle-manning that has caused prices to artificially inflate so someone can get their a cut is exposed for what it is: unnecessary bullshit. Services begin to run more efficiently, participants flock to the new framework, abandoning the systemic issues that have developed over decades that; while perhaps was created with the best interest of the industry, merely inhibits the actual flow of goods and services to the public.

Regulation that protects middle men and their peddling interests ultimately hurt consumers. They need to have the foundations of their business model ripped up beneath them because it isn't sturdy enough to support competition.