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Cycling_Nomad  ·  3395 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Hubski, Tell Me About Your Bike

I currently ride a Surly Pacer frame with custom components. I'd say it is a pretty good little bike for riding around the city. I used to have a LHT, man I loved that thing and rode it all over the place but I ended up selling it to my friend who I'd hope would use it to lose weight and ride with me. He didn't', sadly. I tried to buy it back but he refused and I don't talk to him much these days.

I've been thinking about getting something like a Surly Troll. Have any of you had any experience with that type of frame/bike? I kind of wanted to do some heavy touring that may involve some "off the beaten path" type riding. I'm not a surly snob or anything (I do love their frames though, haha) so I'm open to any suggestions.