Two points I'd like to bring up in response here: 1. Why? Why does autonomous capitalism mean all these things you just said? 2. Even if all these other superfluous requirements you've stated are legitimate, that's not an argument against capitalism being autonomous. It's an argument saying that you don't like the social implications of capitalism being autonomous. That's like me saying I don't think deer ticks are real because if they were people would get lime disease. Absolutely untrue. There's no impenetrable barrier between consumers and producers. If consumers notice that there is something missing from the market, they have the opportunity to profit by bringing that thing into being. Well sure, but that's why you do things like create carbon credits or other incentivizing programs when issues like that come up. We don't have those problems, though, when it comes to figuring out how many paperclips need to be made and where to sell them from, or the logistics of how to get strawberries to colder climates during the winter. Lamb raised in New Zealand is cheaper to buy in the United Kingdom than lamb raised in the UK, because the actual cost of raising lamb in NZ and shipping it to the UK is less than raising lamb in the UK itself. I know a glass blower, but because of international trade I can go down to the local convenience store and buy whatever sort of pipe he could make for cheaper than he could make it. This is what I mean when I say that capitalism is both good and mostly automated. This does not mean, as you seem to suspect, that we can't ever intervene or that we suddenly need some huge standard of evidence before we can meddle with capitalism. It's just a better way of getting bread to everybody's house.If capitalism is autonomous then every single government action that affects the market place becomes an intervention with the proponents needing to prove beyond a shadow of doubt that it is justified and provides overwhelming benefits no matter how small the impact on the market. A lot like what some people are trying to achieve in the US now.
I strongly disagree based on simple observation. Consumers have no power but to choose between the options offered (including the default of "neither").
Consumers are a selective force. Furthermore sometimes consumers are a blindingly stipid selective force with regards to long term issues and will not select the option that is better for all of us in the long run.