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TheVenerableCain  ·  3534 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Systemic Racism and Standing Up To It (AKA Violence Is Almost Inevitable)

I think one of the main issues surrounding the whole "racism in America" topic is that people forget that the big push for civil rights happened only ~50 years ago. We've gone from segregated schools, bathrooms, bus seats, etc. to accepting that there are differences that need to be worked out and separating each other like Skittles isn't the best way to form a congruous society. Does that mean that the integration has gone smoothly? No, absolutely not.

You're asking people who weren't globally connected via Internet to change their way of thinking, when everyone around them thinks exactly the same as they do/did. The old crotchety white man who grew up being taught that blacks are scum isn't going to change his mindset because a law was passed, just like some folks aren't going to accept that gays aren't out to create a sex-cult that is going to topple the world just because the law says they can be married. They were taught by their parents to think a certain way, just like some people were taught to actually use their brains and perhaps treat other human beings like human beings.

The other issue is within the black community. In many ways, they have the same problems as the old white guy. Their ancestors were beaten, lynched and made to feel worthless, so parents are going to share their experiences with the kids. It's not necessarily malevolent - you have to remember that 50+ years ago. a black guy walking down the streets of Birmingham alone wasn't going to have a good time. A parent wants to protect their child, so the child learns to fear the white man because that's what dad said to do. Racist cops certainly aren't doing anything to break that perception, so the cycle continues. Black communities aren't doing themselves any favors by pressuring each other into certain lifestyles and decrying those who try and better themselves through higher education. Add race baiters like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who like to throw salt on the wound to remind everyone to continue to hate each other, and you end up with the current state of affairs.

I know it has to suck to be constantly profiled in a negative way. Shop owners keeping an extra eye on you or cops pulling you over for driving while black. Dave Chappelle has a bit on this, but in reverse. The idea is still there. However, if, as a community, blacks didn't have illegal things on them when they got pulled over, eventually that kind of behavior is going to die down. Is it a perfect solution? No, of course not. I feel it's a realistic one, however. You have to prove that the stereotype is bullshit. That's part of what made MLK so successful during the big push for civil rights. He's just a guy that wants people to be treated like people.

Alright, I think I've rambled enough. I honestly got a bit side tracked when I pulled up the Dave Chappelle video. Hopefully the thoughts make some sense. Please feel free to refute any and all points I made, as they, of course, are just one guy's opinion.

Edits for markup. I really need to learn how to make things prettier.