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am_Unition  ·  3394 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How do you commute - I just started commuting with a mini skateboard at age 30.

I skateboarded for a while with one arm in a cast, but only if I was late for class. The arm was broken, of course, from skateboarding. I judiciously limited myself to sidewalk skating, not trick riding, and "only fell a bunch of times", yes, but I had another arm to catch me, and luckily that one never broke. Trick riding, you fall a lot when you're trying to progress your skillset. I started wearing wristguards when I practiced tricks, even though it wasn't cool. Started only skating at night. Some punks stole my board out of my car a couple years ago, and I'm through with it for now. I'd better not meet someone else this upcoming semester who skates, because that wouldn't be good for my grades.

Oh, and to answer the real question, I drive to work in a car (BOOO, BORRRRING!). The way we've built our cities down here in Texas was pretty stupid.

I'm about to move to a more urban area in a new city, so we'll see what happens with that. I'm planning on using public transport for my daily commute.