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kaleosaurusrex  ·  3393 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How do you commute - I just started commuting with a mini skateboard at age 30.

I ride one of those self balancing one-wheel things with no seat. I didn't know what to call it, so I looked on Wikipedia and they call it a micro unicycle.

Here's the one I'm riding right now - there's a video of a pretty girl riding it hahaha

I'm upgrading to this one now; ordered it a few days ago! It's faster, better safety features, etc.

I used to skateboard, but the roads are so bumpy and I would arrive all sweaty, so this is awesome. The big wheel makes the ride real smooth, and it charges itself going down hill because of regenerative braking, so it's easy to control my speed. I don't have to lock it up like my electric bike, and I'm barely using the car anymore!