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I_work_alone  ·  3502 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What It’s Like To Experience The Freedom Of Marijuana Legalization

Hey Don,

thanks for the reply. I get very excited every time I read someone's words on how it actually went from illegal to abso-fu#*in-lutely legal. Even though it should be the most natural thing to have/do, it is an image of utopia for me.

Our leading parties see what is going on in the States. They, still, reason with mind-buggling arguments that have been widely proven wrong by science for years now.


- Cannabis consumption necessarily leads to acquisition and consumption of heavy-drugs. Very much wrong. Having to get your weed from a dealer on the black market makes you more inclined to get and try heavier stuff, because the DEALER WANTS YOU TO. Regulated markets would help radically minimize black market influences.

Our "Drogenbeauftragte" (the one person responsible to know about cause and effects of drugs and drug consumption) Marlene Mortler never had anything to do with learning or teaching drugs and substances. Neither Biology, nor Chemistry, nor Psychology, nor other social sciences is her field. She comes from agriculture.

- Cannabis leads to schizophrenia, psychoses, depression, anxiety... They have used it all. One can argue that there exist scientifically proven correlations between cannabis consumption and psychotic events or, in VERY few cases, signs of schizophrenic cognition, BUT the good old "causation and correlation"-discussion has never reached our politicians.

In the end it is just very hard to discuss the whole point "Cannabis as medicine" and "Cannabis as recreational drug" with our generally very conservative politicians.