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tla  ·  3389 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: An essay about explaining racism from the guy who wrote "Go the Fuck to Sleep"

Take it as a learning opportunity in general customer interaction. You're working with a shorter fuse than normal with alcohol dulling inhibition, but usually being open as to why you cannot do something, before assumptions kick in, is helpful.

"No, sorry, she's refused it. I cannot. It's the law."

"No, sorry, I can't serve intoxicated people."

In every customer service training I've ever received, it's been drilled in over and over that you cannot assume a customer's experiences. You cannot know if they were snobbed in favor of white folk in a store that afternoon, or if they were laughed at for applying for a loan last week. There's only so many times you can get hit by something before you react reflexively when someone makes similar motions.