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caeli  ·  3388 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Favorite Science Journal Articles

Yay this is one of my favorite topics!!!!

I work in psycholinguistics, specifically studying how people process sentences. I'm really interested in how people use probabilistic information about their language while processing & producing. Here are my favorite articles:

Aylett & Turk (2004). The Smooth Signal Redundancy Hypothesis: A Functional Explanation for Relationships between Redundancy, Prosodic Prominence, and Duration in Spontaneous Speech. Language and Speech.

Levy (2008). Expectation-based syntactic comprehension. Cognition.

I always find myself linking people to this paper because it's extremely useful when doing categorical data analysis since apparently all intro statistics ever teaches are t-tests and ANOVA: [Jaeger (2008). Categorical data analysis: Away from ANOVAs (transformation or not) and towards logit mixed models. Journal of Memory and Language.](http://www.researchgate.net/profile/T_Florian_Jaeger/publication/38063025_Categorical_Data_Analysis_Away_from_ANOVAs_(transformation_or_not)_and_towards_Logit_Mixed_Models/links/09e41500d7edfc3aa5000000.pdf)

One of my favorite recent experimental papers: Jaeger & Snider (2013). Alignment as a consequence of expectation adaptation: Syntactic priming is affected by the prime’s prediction error given both prior and recent experience. Cognition.