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goo  ·  3386 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: The Pentagon is finalizing plans to lift ban on transgender individuals in the military

While I'm pleased the ban is being lifted, it appears no other steps are being taken to make the transition a smooth one.

    the military also wants time to tackle questions about where transgender troops will be housed, what uniforms they will wear, what berthing they will have on ships, which bathrooms they will use and whether their presence will affect the ability of small units to work well together. The military has dealt with many similar questions as it integrated the ranks by race, gender and sexual orientation.

And look how well that's turned out so far.

(Apologies if some of the links aren't up to snuff... Please let me know if you find better ones and I'll edit my post. Although it's rather telling that I'm on mobile and these were the first things to come up in a quick Google search.)