I was mostly kidding about answering the questions wrong. Mostly... ;) I've never really read much into this stuff, just taken the tests and read the quick summaries mostly. I just delved into this one: http://www.intpexperience.com/FixIt.php Wow does that match me. Especially the "big 3 emotions": Annoyance, Disappointment, and Hurt. Just about nails it. Could you rephrase that or something? I'm a bit confused about what you are trying to say here, but I want to know what you mean... probably an INTP thing. If you don't explain it I will be Annoyed and Hurt ;P (I'm kidding if that isn't obvious) I think my development would be much different from any normal INTP and also any other person due to my diagnosis of Schizoaffective disorder in early adulthood, but I'd like to compare to what you're talking about to see how it matches up. While I went through huge bouts of psychosis and mood swings (mostly frustration, annoyance, and hurt), my INTP-ness never shut off. My "encyclopedias" never stopped growing (if anything, they just took strange turns and I developed new, strange ones as a result), so when I got (mostly) better, I had a more diverse playing field to work with. I even did the whole psychosis battle on my own (excepting doctors), so I have my sea-shanties of taking back my mind. I don't remember what I was talking about anymore, I'm way too tired to finish whatever I started here. I'll figure this out in the morning.One of the most interesting things I read about INTP was that the dev. from child to adult goes through a default "accept what I'm given as True" going into -> "throw this initial truth away, and everything else - I can't know the truth, no one does" (which apparently leads to finding out stuff later on in life or something)