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lke  ·  3382 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How Americans United for Life Is Reshaping States' Abortion Laws - The Atlantic

    Thanks to AUL, Arizona doctors are now required to tell women who undergo chemical abortions that the procedure can be reversed midway through if the woman changes her mind. Some pro-life doctors claim to have executed this procedure successfully, but the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists says it is not safe, or even routinely possible

    The law also includes AUL-suggested language instructing doctors to tell women that a fetus can feel pain at 20 weeks of gestation—even though ACOG says it’s unlikely pain is felt before 29 weeks.

It's kind of terrifying the amount of hypocrisy shown this group who rails against the supposed unsafeness of abortion but won't take the opinion of any medical association into account.

    All Roe v. Wade did was tell states they can’t make abortion illegal outright. Almost every other half-measure is fair game. Roe v. Wade didn’t solve the abortion question, in other words. It just “created 40 years of trench warfare,” McConchie said.

That's an interesting point considering how people riled up by the recent same-sex marriage decision left no wiggle room at all. This make me wonder if the court realizes the mess that the abortion debate became after Roe v. Wade. Speaking of the supreme court they also recently granted a reprieve to the clinics tageted by the laws sponsored by the AUL.