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user-inactivated  ·  3380 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: A College Dean's Letter to the Rejected

The real problem here is that that institution has policies that are developed off of a single test (ACT with Writing), and they probably have not even researched the SAT at all or how they compare with ACT scores.

Honestly, what needs to be done is that people need to come up with a way to relate SAT and ACT scores to each other that is highly researched and universally accepted, because the amount of effort required for an institution to figure out both of them, especially if they are an underfunded school, is quite hard sometimes. The informal comparison charts of ACT to SAT scores are a little bit too simplistic. This problem creates undergrads that have to take an ACT to apply to school #1 and an SAT to apply to school #2, which is just stupid.