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user-inactivated · 3464 days ago · link · · parent · post: What Do You Think Would Happen if Black People Began Arming Themselves?
I don't know. I know that collecting guns to protect yourself from the police is not a good way to not get shot by the police. Any kind of antiauthoritarian politics in the US is crippled by being spread over too many mutually contradictory ideologies. Get the libertarian left to stop fighting primarily with itself, the libertarian right to let go of enough racism to see that the jackbooted thugs are still jackbooted thugs when they're stomping on brown people, the techies to start noticing that people who aren't their fellows get mistreated by the law too, ... , and get them to come to similar understandings with each other, and you have a coalition that can do things. This does not seem very likely.