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captain_nemo  ·  3509 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Arkham Knight’s Big Problem: Female Representation [spoilers]

Thanks for the response. I'm not saying any of what you have said is wrong but my quick searches revealed stuff that painted gamergate in a better light than what you have and you didn't mention any harassing from the anti-gg side which seemed to be present also. HOWEVER, I haven't done any actual digging into it. Just scratching the surface. I definitely did see stuff about Zoe Quinn being harassed and something about disclosure. I'll start looking more into it and educating myself on both sides of the story. Seems like you know about certain figures involved. I hope this isn't too much to ask but I was wondering if you could you tell me about who Randi Harper, Jack Thompson, Arthur Chu, Brainna Wu and TotalBiscuit are? I don't know what is a legit and unbaised source for this information. Everything I've been finding on my own is clearly on one side or the other and they all have a different version of the story but those seem to be people I should be starting with (along with Zoe Quinn). I would start with Anita Sarkeesian but from what I've seen as far as her track record goes, seems like she was doing really well in the beginning supporting feminism in gaming and shedding light on issues, then asked for money to do FeministFrequency and never really delivered with the promises she collected money for. Now, to me at least, it seems like she has been using feminism and this whole ordeal for personal gains. Also, after watching some of her videos and comments I was kind of turned off to her rhetoric. Probably cause she so strongly anti-violence in video games. I grew up playing violent video games with my cousins and friends (I definitely had a very broad videogame library and that wasn't all I played but I played a lot of it) and none of us are the violent and vile people she portrays and argues enjoy those games. Again, that's definitely a lot to ask but if you are bored and want to give me a quick break down I'd appreciate it. I'll definitely still do my own research.