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_refugee_  ·  3368 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Where Did You Wake Up Today?

I woke up in my bed to my second or third alarm. I had four set. I didn't really need four. I'd been to bed early, rested well all weekend (read: lots of napping), and it'd been a mostly uneventful night. As is not unusual with my more well-rested nights I'd woken up every hour and a half or two, just for a few moments. Sometime in the dead middle of the night there was a thunderstorm right above me. I was awake for at least two claps of thunder and bursts of lightning, long enough to worry about my new kitten and then go back to sleep.

But the storm was on my mind this morning. I woke up with plenty of time to get to work but when I checked the weather i saw the high was 82 today. I thought again of the storm and how the humidity must have dropped. It would be a pleasant day today, cool, with the threat of more rain in the afternoon. I realized it would be a perfect day to go hiking solo.

I logged onto work and took the day off and my only resolution was that I could not nap at all all day. I have achieved that goal, read 60 pages, gone on 3 mini-hikes, written a little bit, and declare this day well spent.

Back to the grind tomorrow but with a fresh head and well, well rested - mentally as well as physically.