I'm not sure! I was hesitant with all the candidates to begin with, but I was pretty impressed by Trudeau and May. Say what you will about Justin, but dude has some solid debate skills. May is a tad crazy and I don't really see her running a country, but she knows her stuff. Mulcair picked his words carefully and it made him seem quiet at times, but that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Harper, of course, just continuously said everyone else was wrong ("Let me be clear on the facts of the matter..." Tories and their repetition...). Basically it was just a "Harper sucks" party, and it was great. I'm super disappointed this will likely be one of the only debates with the four major candidates this time around. I don't see how Harper refusing to participate helps his campaign much at all come October. ... Oh, are we talking about American politics? Damn it. Every time.