and then you pick yourself up again and start all over again. I wonder if we can think about commitment in terms of skills and issues that sustain you while everything else changes. Eventually one might find a welcoming community where those skills and issues are valued. I agree with dashnhammit that at some point it's a good idea to stay in one place for a while. Could you shout out to me when you post a new music blog - I just tracked back and saw that I missed a few.I'm realizing that once this contract is up there's nothing stopping me from jumping ship and going somewhere else and changing jobs
Note carefully the above sentence -- It's a contract job. They have NO commitment to you. They have put you in a fluid situation. If they made a commitment to you, you might be thinking differently.
cgod wrote this: When you start looking to settle down forever you should have few doubts in your choice, having finally found a person you don't want to live without.
well, yeah, maybe -- but that person can turn around the next day and say they want to live without you.