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SadPandaIsSad  ·  3489 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: How do I deal with my parents' possessive control of me?

I can totally relate to this. The only two things my mother ever taught me were work ethic and a love for numbers. She still likes to act like I'm 12 even though I'm 27 and haven't lived with her since I was 14. She seems to think she can control how many drinks i have at dinner and everything.

Honestly I just don't ask her for help with anything except advice once in a while. I like to pretend that of I told her that we barely talk for this reason it would probably break her heart but like others said "do what is right for you, not others". You can be a good person and still do what you have to do to be okay.

My mother and even her dad are firm believers on the almighty dollar. To them, nothing is more important than having money and making everything you have look as nice as possible. They would rather I fix the aesthetics of the car than the breaks which is incredibly stupid.

I relate to your not caring about money or how nice of things people perceive you to own as well. It's all about being happy no matter what your budget is. No matter where in life you find yourself you need to do what is going to make you happy. That is not to say that some foresight isn't necessary.

Your parents do care about you, even if it seems like it's their selfishness that drives their actions towards you. They are doing what they know to do. It may not be what you needed or currently need but it is out of love or they wouldn't waste their time. They just only see one right answer to life. Their right answer. Hard to teach someone who needs a different answer than anything you know are can even conceive of.

Never let anyone tell you that your writing is bad. Even if it is (not saying it is, I haven't read your writing yet. Will start) it doesn't matter because it's your passion and that is what leads you down the path you need to follow.