I hung out with this guy who was an INTJ. He automatically judged, that I was an INFP. He would constantly hate on people who were "feelers". I went and took the test an was a INTP-A, and told him I wasn't a feeler. He thought, because I was female and crazy, I had to be a feeler. It was especially irritating, because everything he was implying was way off. I argued that I wasn't particularly sick, because I was scientific and logical about my emotions. He took this stuff way to seriously. The product that I have tried to sell in the past is design services. When I thought my Permaculture Design Certificate was enough to get work. I am going to school to do more institutional design, because I wasn't enough of a relationship builder, and the product is something people, don't know they need yet. The first time I went to school was for plumbing, to start a greywater irrigation, rainwater catchment, solar hot water, and xeriscaping company in LA. That plan would have worked, if the advisers told me to join the pipe fitters union, not go to trade school. It is pretty hard to convince people to let you redesign how their home works. I like to do work, and dig outside quietly. Though I think I could work my way up to designing for the government, because I observe the way many systems are designed, and know I could do better.
I wanted to work in government, once I realized I'm a grownup now, and could take responsibility to understand how things work, and fix them. Though I am not looking forward to the gender conformity, necessary to look "professional".