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garyb  ·  4567 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: It’ll cost you - Scottish independence would come at a high price
I see what you mean. I'm not sure how much of a problem that is though since both states will exist within the trade regulations of the European Union.

A more likely argument for independence is the different social agenda that the Scottish public appear to have. One example from post devolution Scotland is the provision of university education. English universities charge increasing fees to English students whereas Scottish students are educated for free in Scotland. There are many issues where Scotland wants to deviate from UK law and although it already has many powers to do so there are still powers that it does not have. Aside from a distinct social agenda and culture Scotland also has a distinct geography, population distribution and natural resources. I assume that nationalists have plans about how to provide legislation that is tailored to these differences rather than the whole of the UK.

For some time I have considered the economic arguments for and against independence to be red herring. If there is an argument for independence it is more likely to be a very simple one about autonomy. I don't support independence or argue in favour of it but I can see why some people would like it.