So how do you feel about Aylan Kurdi? I'll bet you didn't know that as of April, there were 310,000 dead because of the Syrian civil war. Did you know that 20,000 refugees flow into Germany every day? 'member this? That was 18 months ago. But the right photo, at the right time, and suddenly: Angela Merkel announced that Germany would take 3m refugees per year, indefinitely, and that didn't happen until Aylan Kurdi. We've been treating muslims like shit since the first time Khalid Sheikh Mohammed tried to blow up the WTC (1993 - I'll bet you'd forgotten) and if we've maybe finally gotten to the point where we feel bad about it, I'm glad we could do it over a kid that's still alive. EDIT: I knew that number was wrong. It's 500k refugees per year, which if were equivalent in the US, would be 2m.