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am_Unition  ·  3417 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Pubski: September 23, 2015

That about sums it up, thanks.

I just changed providers from a (reportedly) decent name brand plan to a university healthcare system, but it's a private school. So I have another data point now, the private uni provider; slightly higher co-pays in general, but much lower annual buy-in. Probably the better option for me (I don't see a doctor much), until "something happens".

My older provider picked up a coworker's $1.5 mil hospital bill. He beat leukemia, and didn't have to pay a cent. Love that guy.

Here, I've written a speech to teach children how it all works^TM, as I see it:

    Gather round, young tots. Just a few more commandments passed down from the mountain today. Uhh, let's see, first is "make sure your mother or father has access to excellent healthcare benefits until you turn 26", which is important, children. For you. For your health. Ah, I see a hand up, unfortunately there will be no questions answered today, sorry children, no time, no time! OK, next on the list we have "when you turn 26, be sure you have a job with good benefits, or have a legal marriage to a spouse with access to good benefits". Yes, kids, see, if you're working a minimum wage job, that's not going to be very good for your healthcare. That's why everyone should go to college! Now the next one is "don't get sick". It's just better off when you're well, right? And if you're not well, that could be punishing. Sometimes it depends on the abilities of your provider's Office of Claim Dodging, so it's better off that you all save up a small fortune. But every kid knows that we have to spend some to tickle the ol' economy! Just gotta find that balance. Still with me? "Always have a job", is another simple one. We need hard workers to power America, kids, and YOU ARE that power. You're the workers too. The point is, no one needs to run off on some silly sabbatical! You could die out there, they'll pull your plug if you blow through your net worth!! Eek, sorry, but yes: you need to always work :). Last one now, "there is probably a tax-free income medical funding withholding program offered through your place of employment and/or their/your healthcare provider." That one's pretty self explanatory, guys. OK, no questions? Great! Thanks kids, and stay healthy out there!