In the Ohio valley they don't have dust as much as they have this vile, evil demon pollen that sticks and turns green when the humidity hits in the summer. I have air filtration in the house or else I would not ever be able to sleep. In the fall when it starts to get cool and finally dry I go through and bomb the house with as much dusting as I can stand to get rid of anything the filters could not take care of, then have to do the same thing at the start of summer. But yes 100% here don't let it get bad in the first place. And this goes to show that everyone is a bit different and every house/situation will have its own needs and issues. I have no idea where this semen thing came from, but yea. Soap scum on the walls also happens in the pipes. You have any clue where this nonsense started?4) The real trick is to never let it get messy. The messier you let it get, the more insurmountable it is to clean. I don't dust. Period. Things don't get particularly dusty around here. Period. But what dust they have is grimy and sticky and awful and the longer you let it stick around the thicker it gets. If I dusted, I wouldn't know this. Instead I'm left in a position where I don't dust (and am looking forward to living somewhere dust isn't sticky) because the act of dusting is horrific enough that I pay two nice toothless ladies about $150 every nine months to clean after I spend the day cleaning.
5) Ignore the Internet. It's pretty hilarious that a drain that sucks down three people's worth of shampoo, conditioner and soap is accused of being slimy and gross because semen. Get a grip. Drains are disgusting and if you have at least one person with long hair using the shower you will have to hook a dead rats' worth of hair and skunge out at least every other month.