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user-inactivated  ·  3256 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: If America And The West Got The Hell Out Of The Middle East, There’d Be No Terrorism. It’s That Simple.

This, unfortunately, is an easy idea for certain very stupid people to turn over in their minds. (I once learned the Latin idiom specifically for "turn over in your mind" and for years I've been trying to remember what it is. Kills me every time that I forgot that.) I would never read this article (even if you told me to, haha) but I imagine what they actually mean is "no terrorism outside of the Middle East."

For the record I'm a staunch proponent of getting the hell out of the Middle East in every single official capacity, but not because it would end terrorism. Terrorism was, is and will be, because it works.