I need more chores and travels to get through this list! My recommendations from 2015, in no particular order: - Marc Maron talks with Barack Obama: - Beyond Batman (Invisibilia), which is rightfully on that list. Very intriguing. - Eye in the Sky (Radiolab). Sight Unseen was great, but I thought this episode about privacy and surveillance also raised some interesting questions. - Maria Popova - Cartographer of Meaning in a Digital Age (On Being). Okay, it's been a while since I listened to it, but I do remember it being a good interview. Plus, Krista Tippett is basically lil in disguise. - Bathysphere (99% Invisible). I can't believe 99pi is still so good every week. This episode shines for its audio design and for really pulling me into the story. - Penn Jilette's Marathon Life in Magic (Here's the Thing with Alec Baldwin). Very enjoyable interview, if you like either of the two. Same goes for Jimmy Fallon