It's a very relaxed environment. Some of my gripes come from depression and a bad attitude that I suppress well for the most part. I'm sorry rinx I'm just an asshole sometimes. I make $15 an hour and have been doing it for about three years at different businesses. No health insurance for some reason related to the ACA that I don't understand in a state with no Medicare expansion. Paid holidays and vacation time. I like working with my hands too and cutting a freehand mostly straight line with a glass cutter is incredibly satisfying. Before this stint in retail I worked at a commercial mirror glazier and it was kind of a shit show. Some business men got together and decided making frames isn't that hard and decided to sell framed mirrors to construction companies. I'd show up hours late but never got fired because I was one of two people qualified to work there. The other qualified guy sometimes came in drunk and got sent home.