What's it feel like to be part of the coveted demo that is the Young Professional? The thought blows my mind. I don't really know why I chose to rule that out for myself. And that meet-up group sounds like a great way to meet other transplants, let us know how it goes. I love kettlebells. I did the 10,000 Kettlebell Swing Challenge and it was an incredible learning experience. Kettlebells have a pretty high Perceived Rate of Exertion (PRE); kettlebell swings gets the heart pumping and the sweat going and the muscles screaming. I found that I was constantly bargaining with myself in the beginning, it was difficult to even finish a set. But the auxiliary benefit is that if you learn to push yourself with kettlebells, which are the best tool I've found to exercising self-discipline. Running is good for it, too, but I running screws my knees up. But yea, great idea. Start slow and don't injure yourself.