This is a question and a half to ponder first thing after waking up. I'm not entirely sure. That's a bit ironic as someone who has often professed to others the importance of loving oneself. I liked cgod's take on it, I certainly enjoy myself. I can and do spend hours in my own company with no qualms at all. On other hand, I kind of feel like I'm a person always on the brink of potential but never actually achieving anything notable. I guess that's hard when you've decided to pursue music for the majority of adult life. Or at least it's perused me. Sometimes I feel like I only keep it up because it's the thing I'm best at. I don't know if I have the drive or strength to do the work required to keep progressing. I think if I'm being honest with myself I do ultimately like being myself, for the most part. But I guess it's testing when you're going through the whole mid-twenties 'crisis'. Especially when you're living at your parents in a sleepy little market town. Damn it's dull. But the only way I could escape right now is by betraying my principles and getting some soul crushing work in a city. So for now I'll just lay low and save.