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tacocat  ·  3262 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: What are your favorite youtube channels?

I watch a lot of YouTube. Sometimes it's all I do at night. Some of my favorites that haven't been mentioned:

Mr. Sunday Movies This guy does really funny videos about genre movies, mostly comics. rd95

NerdSync Another comics channel, mostly history and relating comics to serious field like philosophy with mixed results.

Ashens Funny Brit who used to review a lot of old tech and video games but has been eating a lot of strange food lately. Still good stuff.

The Great War They do a week by week account of WWI as it happened 100 years ago. I haven't been watching the weekly history because I got behind but they also do special episodes about people from the war or even clothes and weaponry.

The Gaming Historian Watch the most milquetoast man on YouTube describe video game history. He has the personality of Vaseline but I still like his videos.

I also like James Rolfe. He's the Angry Video Game Nerd. I watch his AVGN videos but I don't find them particularly funny or clever, and some are just fucking annoying. But he seems like a nice guy and when he does Let's Plays with his friend Mike or Bootsy I find them pretty entertaining for some reason.