Ooh, what motivated you to choose Void Linux? I know there's a bit of a battle going on over whether systemd is a good idea, do you have an opinion on this? (I don't, because I know next to nothing about operating system design). I would post my desktop but it's really really boring. I use vanilla i3 on Arch Linux on my laptop, with the default window decorations and a black background. My work computer uses the same thing but with custom window decoration colours and the default Ubuntu background because I haven't got round to customising it yet. One thing I can recommend however is Spacemacs, which is a set of extensions for Emacs to give it Vim keybindings (evil mode) plus loads and loads of extras. It's really just a collection of Emacs addons, plus some nice config files for managing sets of addons (called 'layers'). All I can say is that it offers a lot of nice defaults and builtins. I use this at work. What code have you been writing?