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kleinbl00  ·  3246 days ago  ·  link  ·    ·  parent  ·  post: Isaac Kelley: Freddy Got a Bum Rap: Tom Green’s Film Triumph

You know, I fucking hate this attitude in reviews.

    The shock provided in this movie is an intrinsically valuable service. “Freddy Got Fingered“ helps remind us that some things make us uncomfortable. Some things are just taboo.

Bitch, I didn't pay $9 to be reminded that some things are taboo. I paid $9 to be entertained.

It's like that Norm McDonald roast where any sensible observer would say "Norm McDonald sucks" but every fucking critic on the planet is all "no, you're a pleb, Norm McDonald doesn't suck, he's just doing comedy on a level beyond what you can comprehend, mortal, here, squint your eyes like this and you might one day ascend to comedy Valhalla with the rest of us."

No, fuck that. Performing "suck" is still sucking. You're an entertainer. Your job is to entertain. Amy Schumer pushes boundaries while also entertaining, and that's why she's making money. There's this assumption that somehow, humanity won't "get" big ideas unless some self-satisfied, smug performer rubs their noses in it in a way that makes them hate the performance and it's abject bullshit. It takes no skill whatsoever to make people uncomfortable while masturbating a horse, particularly if they weren't expecting horse masturbation. It takes skill to make people recognize that there are things they shouldn't be uncomfortable with and then have them thank you for it.

Attitudes like this are why the majority of audiences have no trust or love for critics. "No, it was good, you just aren't sophisticated enough to get it." Bitch, the audience for a Tom Green movie is not the audience for a fuckin' Lars von Trier movie and you know it. Also:

    Nobody would speak well of this movie. OK, one guy I knew liked it, but he was the kind of guy who liked The Cell, and therefore not a reliable source.

The Cell was the best rip-off of Dreamscape starring Jennifer Lopez ever made until Inception. Eat a dick.